Purpose & Principles | Episode 19 – Dave Balter — The Humility Imperative

Purpose & Principles  |  S2 Episode 40 - Jared Spataro, VP Microsoft on Humanizing the Workplace

Dave Balter’s new book, “The Humility Imperative,” was a great read for me for many reasons. First, Dave is a successful leader who has started and exited several business start-ups. Second, I first met him during one of his previous acquisitions and found him to be entirely grounded and fun to be around — despite his success. Third, his candor and vulnerability are helpful in a leadership book that dispenses advice to others. 

Dave is the CEO of Flipside Crypto, which provides business intelligence to crypto organizations. Dave is Venture Partner Emeritus at Boston Seed Capital; personally, he is an investor or advisor to more than fifty technology organizations.

Wise leaders (yes, even the successful ones), can learn from the lessons shared here. I hope you will enjoy both this conversation and the book!

