Purpose & Principles | Special Episode – Kenny Sacht — WipeEveryTear.org

Kenny Sacht

As I’ve shared for over a decade now: the way we treat each other matters. I’m grateful to share the story of Kenny Sacht and his family’s work to change the world — one person at a time. Human trafficking is nearly impossible to comprehend, but it is pervasive and global. While it is hard to discuss, these are topics we must address. We need people to courageously work to stop the slave trade and to help those who have been enslaved. Thank you, Kenny. While I’m sad such a conversation is relevant today, it is good to know that people like you are working to do something about it.

Wipe Every Tear started in a high school teacher’s classroom. As a basketball coach and father, Kenny Sacht’s heart broke during a 2007 summer mission trip with his students during a basketball outreach held in the Philippines. Afterward, he and his wife decided to help one impoverished girl he’d met during that time. Helping one girl quickly became four. In 2012, Kenny quit his teaching job to dedicate all of his time to the formation of Wipe Every Tear. Their first safe house, called Hope House, was purchased and they hired a local director. They are on the front lines of human trafficking and the sex slave trade — working to help women escape the imprisonment and exploitation.

Since then, many more women have been welcomed into Hope House (and other safe homes) where they experience freedom, security, warm meals, education, and discipleship. Through this simple act of providing a loving home, women’s lives are continuing to be restored to this day. In the eight years of operation, their organization has transformed dozens of young girl’s and women’s lives to bring hope, freedom, and a real future.

Prior to Wipe Every Tear, Kenny taught high school US History, and coached basketball for 17 years. Kenny has six daughters, one son, and twelve granddaughters and three grandsons.

For more information, go to www.WipeEveryTear.org
